Newborn Sleep Program.

Love the newborn stage and feel confident laying down healthy long-term sleep habits. While ALSO soaking in all the newborn snuggles.

Yes, help my newborn sleep well!

What’s Included.


Inside this mini-course I'll teach you:

  • The Science behind your newborn's sleep and HOW to meet them developmentally where they're at.
  • The FOUR foundations of Newborn Sleep Basics 101 so you know what to do!
  • How to help your newborn transition from womb to world in the 4th trimester.
  • How to respond to your baby's needs through connection and attachment
  • The best sleep tools to give your newborn the best chance of great sleep.
  • Newborn settling techniques to calm your newborn to get them to sleep.
  • How to get longer stretches of sleep overnight.
  • Practicing the very early stages of teaching your baby how to self-settle.
  • Preparation to help your little one get through the 4-month sleep regression


I keep things simple and to the point. Only giving you the information you need right now.


    Yes, help me get my newborn sleeping!

This newborn sleep program is for you if:

- You want to get on the front foot of sleep from the get go to set your baby up for great sleep

- You’re still traumatised by your eldest child’s sleep so you want to start early this time

- You want to prepare for the 4 month sleep regression to make it as painless as possible!

- You don’t have the bandwidth of searching Google at 2am to find 20 different confusing sources, and you want everything all in one place

- You’ve got no freakin’ clue about baby sleep! So you want to learn!

- You want to feel confident about your little one’s sleep (knowledge = power) so you can enjoy the newborn stage

- You want to be equipped with ALL the tools to help your newborn sleep well


Help my baby sleep better


Our goal is to help exhausted parents teach their babies and toddlers to sleep well.

Heidi Torrens

“I would definitely rate it a 10/10. Honestly, it was very easy to follow. I’ve just woken up from my own day nap. The things I’ve got out of the program have definitely helped”

Rosie Ramirez

“It’s got new information that’s not Google-able unless you’re specifically looking for certain things. And just having that all laid out for you and figured out for you so that you don’t have to go out and search for that information is super helpful”

Melanie Dibbon

“It helps guide you without you having to do all the work and find all the information. It’s just easy to follow, it’s all there in one place. No guesswork. No random Googling at 2am. It’s all in one place.”

Emma Johnson

“It felt like a sleep encyclopedia for my baby and how I could help her. It helped me understand more about her and her sleep cues, wake windows and how we can get her to sleep and on a better routine”


“The information is very useful. And instead of going all over the internet and all over Tik Tok and all over everywhere to get little bits of information you have alot of the really important information in one program that’s easily accessible and it’s just easy to understand.”

Mandy Kay


“I find that it just covers everything. But you don’t talk too long in it which is really good, because sometimes I feel like when I’m watching videos I’m like just get to the point…what do I need to do!!”

Lily Curtis


“I love how it’s evidence based and based on the science of sleep and that it made me feel confident, but not overwhelmed. I loved how It was all there in one place, sequenced and explained in depth.” 

Hannah Linneham

“The information is very useful. And instead of going all over the internet and all over Tik Tok and all over everywhere to get little bits of information you have alot of the really important information in one program that’s easily accessible and it’s just easy to understand.”

Mandy Kay

“I find that it just covers everything. But you don’t talk too long in it which is really good, because sometimes I feel like when I’m watching videos I’m like just get to the point…what do I need to do!!”


Lily Curtis

“I love how it’s evidence based and based on the science of sleep and that it made me feel confident, but not overwhelmed. I loved how It was all there in one place, sequenced and explained in depth.”


Hannah Linneham

Meet Baby Sleep Team

Hi, I’m Cat!

I help families sleep better by getting their baby consistently sleeping through the night and taking great naps, because every parent deserves to experience the joy of parenting and have a happy, healthy family.

Parenting started out pretty dreamy after our first daughter Annabelle was born (she was our ‘easy’ baby). We could still work in our business of 6 years around naps and bedtime relatively easily.

Our second child, Evie, was a velcro baby…our stage 5 clinger. This little love could not be put down and was very sensitive. What worked for Annabelle, didn’t work for Evie. This was a very humbling parenting experience.

We needed consistent and predictable sleep, but in a way that adapted to our Evie girl. So we approached sleep completely differently, in a way that worked for her (and us).

What did that look like? A happy, thriving family. 
Work times became 12-2pm consistently and predictably every single day, with a 7pm bedtime. Bliss. 
Happy, rested kids = Happy, rested Mama and Dad.


Since getting our whole family sleeping well I’ve taught families around the world to do the same.

This is what I want for you. You deserve to get your family sleeping.

I’ll teach you how to get your baby sleeping well (so the whole family sleeps) in a simple, step-by-step, take out the guesswork, easy way.

Yes, I want to help my newborn sleep well!